2024 Casa Grande Oktoberfest Zoe Cooper 2025-02-06 07:00:00Z 0

Oktoberfest 2023

What an exciting year two! With over 1,500 in attendance the community has embraced the celebration. We look forward to next year and continuing to grow. 
Oktoberfest 2023 Robert Miller 2024-01-09 07:00:00Z 0
Casa Grande Rotary Celebrates 95th Anniversary Steve 2021-10-05 07:00:00Z 0
Class of 2021 Scholarship Winners 2021-05-17 07:00:00Z 0
Shelter Box Hero 2021-05-14 07:00:00Z 0
35th Annual CG Rotary Fundraiser benefiting College Scholarships to HS Graduates from Casa Grande Steve Di Muzio 2021-02-08 07:00:00Z 0

Boys and Girls Club Donationi

Posted by Steve Di Muzio
With the uncertainty of revenue to support the many programs of the Boys and Girls Club of the Sun Corridor, The Casa Grande Rotary Club donated through its foundation, $7500. Pictured CG Rotary President Steve DiMuzio and Band G club Executive Director Matt Lemberg.  Over the past 20 years the CG Rotary Club donated more than $185,000 for both annual expenses and the building fund.
Boys and Girls Club Donationi Steve Di Muzio 2020-12-05 07:00:00Z 0

Go Fund Me Page for Meal Distribution

The Casa Grande Rotary Club established a Go Fund Me page to invite those with a generous heart and the financial ability to assist in the ongoing project of providing meals to families in Casa Grande impacted by the COVID pandemic.  The city experienced and increase in unemployment and the club started providing hot, ready to eat meals on June 13, 2020. Since then two additional meal distributions providing more than 3600 meals to 600 families.
Our costs average $3.75 per meal and we welcome any donation. Our foundation is a 501(3) c organization. All donations will be used to provide meals to those in most need, single parent families, unemployed and underemployed and seniors.  
Go Fund Me Page for Meal Distribution Steve DiMuzio 2020-09-03 07:00:00Z 0
Go Fund Me Page for Meal Distribution Steve DiMuzio 2020-09-03 07:00:00Z 0

CG Rotary Provides 15,000 Meals during COVID -19

The CG Rotary club in partnership with APS, Walmart, Fitzgibbon's Law Offices, Western State Bank, District 5500 Foundation Grants and various club members provided meals for 2,450 families since June 13, 2020. Each family received a box of prepared food including enchiladas, rice, beans, salsa, and chips for a family of 6 people. The food was prepared by Fernando Cornejo and his staff at Eva's Fine Mexican Restaurant. The preparation is completed the evening prior to the event and Rotary members packaged and distributed to the residents who came.  It was obvious to all of us that most everyone who received a food box needed our assistance.  The meal program provided more than 15,000 meals from June 2020 to February 1, 2021.
The CG Rotary club was grateful that we were able to provide this service to our community.
We plan a second event in the coming weeks. Anyone interested in making a donation to assist our efforts can send a check to the CG Rotary Club, PO Box 11301, Casa Grande AZ 85130.
Rotarian's and their spouses or family members assisted in the distribution. Thank you to Steve and Carolann D, Brian and Shelly G, Louie and Carrie S, Matt H, Randy and Anita L, Nick D. Don K, Ed V and his family, Fernando C, Dave and Elly R, and the staff and management of Eva's Mexican Restaurant. 
CG Rotary Provides 15,000 Meals during COVID -19 Steven R DiMuzio 2020-08-31 07:00:00Z 0

CG Rotary and Partners Feed 200 Families

On Saturday, June 13, 2020, the CG Rotary Club in cooperation with its partners, Eva's Mexican Restaurant, Fitzgibbon's Law Offices, Arizona Public Service, Walmart Distribution Center and various Rotary Club Members provided a meal box for up to 6 people. Each family received a "ready to heat and eat" meal prepared by Eva's and distributed by club members and other volunteers. The meal distribution started at 11 AM on Saturday, June 13, 2020.
CG Rotary and Partners Feed 200 Families Steve DiMuzio 2020-06-12 07:00:00Z 0

COVID 19 Changes Meeting Location

COVID 19 has changed much in our lives, including the Rotary Club meetings. Since the quarantine was imposed by Governor Ducey, the CG Rotary Club has met via Zoom. All members receive a invitation by Club President Randy to attend with instructions regarding how to download and attend.  At least half of the membership have attended at one time or another. 
For further information, please contact President Randy at randy@lbmi.com.
COVID 19 Changes Meeting Location Steve DiMuzio 2020-06-12 07:00:00Z 0

CG Rotary Awards $50,000 in Scholarships

Posted by Steven DiMuzio
The CG Rotary Foundation awarded 27 high school students a total of $50,000 in scholarships this May 2020. This year's awards include more multiple year scholarships for graduating seniors. COVID-19 hampered not only graduation ceremonies, but also impacted the CG Rotary Awards ceremony. Students received personal phone contact informing them of the award. 
 Casa Grande Union HS- 15 students received awards four students received 4 year awards, two students received 2 year awards and 9 students received 1 year awards for a total of $29,000.
Vista Grande High School- 11 students received awards, one student received a 4 year award, six students received two year awards, and 4 students received one year awards for a total of $20,000.
Mission Heights High School - One student received a one year award for a total of $1,000.
CG Rotary Awards $50,000 in Scholarships Steven DiMuzio 2020-05-31 07:00:00Z 0

CG Rotary Changes Meeting Times and Location

Posted on Aug 31, 2017
The CG Rotary meets the first THREE Tuesdays of each month at The Gathering Restaurant at 11:45 AM.  The Gathering is located at 913 E 8th Street in Casa Grande, AZ .We meet in the back room and order off of the menu. Guests are always invited to join us for lunch and our meeting.
The Fourth week of each month we engage in a local service project. Recently we cleaned the yard of a couple unable to maintain it due to poor health. Time and location TBA.
Come join us. 
CG Rotary Changes Meeting Times and Location srd 2017-08-31 07:00:00Z 0

Annual Fund Raiser for Scholarships and Youth Activities

Posted by STEVE on May 22, 2017
The 34th annual fundraiser in support of Scholarships and Youth activities of the Casa Grande Rotary Foundation will occur on Sunday October 7, 2018 at the Gardens at J Warren's 1451 E Florence Blvd.  This year's event will be a raffle of more than 100 items. Tickets are $40 each and gives each purchaser a one in 4 chance of winning a prize. Prize values start from $25 to several thousand. The Grande prize is yet to be determined, but will match with excitement and value last year's trip to Waikiki. Stay tuned here for the announcement.
Tickets are available from any Rotarian or call 520 252 9072 for Steve. Ticket holders are invited to attend the event and enjoy appetizers and drinks, a cash bar will be available.
Come and support this Casa Grande Tradition. Scholarships to date total more than $1.258 million and more than $178,000 donated to the boys and girls club of Casa Grande.
Annual Fund Raiser for Scholarships and Youth Activities STEVE 2017-05-22 07:00:00Z 0

Looking for Interesting Speakers and Programs??

Posted by Tina Cramp
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Each week our club members get the chance to introduce someone to our club. Have you met someone recently that has started a new business in Casa Grande? Are you a member of a sporting club or organization that our members' have not heard about??
Looking for Interesting Speakers and Programs?? Tina Cramp 0

Joint Project with CG Daybreak

Posted by Steve DiMuzio
Our Joint Christmas project with CG Daybreak Rotary and Walmart Distribution Center was a big success. Ninety seven children received warm clothes, toys and baskets of food for their families.
Joint Project with CG Daybreak Steve DiMuzio 0

Club donates Books

Posted by Steve DiMuzio
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President Tina and Service Chair Salle delivered 150 trade books for the CG elementary school district to use in classrooms. The book donation is part of the club's focus on literacy. Additional books will be donated to ST. Anthony's elementary school and to Stanfield Elementary Schools
Club donates Books Steve DiMuzio 0

Top 5 Reasons to Give to Rotary Foundation

Posted by Steve DiMuzio
By contributing to the Foundation, you advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Rotary Images Rotary International on FacebookThere are as many reasons to support The Rotary Foundation as there are ways to do good in the world. By contributing to the Foundation , you help support the Foundation's six areas of focus, which help to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. By giving US$100 a year through the Every Rotarian, Every Year (EREY) initiative, you become a Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member. Contributions to EREY are the primary source of funding for Foundation programs. Here are a few ways your contributions are making change
Top 5 Reasons to Give to Rotary Foundation Steve DiMuzio 0

CG Rotary Paints St. Vincent De Paul

Posted by Steve DiMuzio
The StVDP Society store was clean, painted and reset by the CR Rotary expert Paint crew. The store was painted as one of our local hands on projects. STVDP Society President Joe Diaz reported that clients, customers and staff were impressed with how new the store looks as a result of this great effort by CR Rotary.
CG Rotary Paints St. Vincent De Paul Steve DiMuzio 0
Boys And Girls Club Thanks CG Rotary Steve DiMuzio 0
St Vincent and CG Rotary Steve DiMuzio 0
Rotary Park Corey Means 0